Biographical Portrait
Born and raised in the USA, I have been living in Switzerland since 1980. I work in English, French, and German and understand Swiss German. My American bachelor’s and master’s degrees are in political science and my Swiss doctorate is in psychology. My main occupation since 1989 has been teaching English in academic contexts and as of 2007, I have been concentrating on teaching academic writing. I began at the language center at the University of Lausanne, then moved to the language center at the bilingual University of Fribourg/Freiburg and Hochschuldidaktik at the University of Bern, and now offer academic writing instruction for CUSO (Conférence universitaire de Suisse occidentale). I am a member of EATAW, the European Association of Teachers of Academic Writing.
I relish life and its many enriching encounters. When I encounter another on the way, I am happy to walk a while in their company.
In additional to individual professors, instructors, and doctoral students in various disciplines, I have also coached the multinational and multicultural SNSF SCOPES Transmig research team (Geographisches Institut der Universität Bern) and groups of doctoral students through Hochschuldidaktik der Universität Bern.
I have edited using an instructive approach for individual professors, instructors, and doctoral students across a wide range of disciplines.
I have offered workshops to small groups of doctoral students in Swiss universities from a half-day to four days on various aspects of academic writing, most of which have been in classrooms and the rest online.